Phil Garber
4 min readMar 30, 2021



It’s Only Right

In the MAGA days as recently as 1967, many states prohibited African Americans from marrying white people, the so-called miscegenation laws, a fancy word to describe efforts by racists to keep the white race pure from infection by black people. The word miscegenation wasn’t even a word until it was invented in 1863 by the white supremacists of the time.

And laws prohibiting gay men from having sexual relations, in the privacy of their own homes and bedrooms, so-called sodomy laws, were the law of the land in 10 states as recently as 2003, with penalties ranging from one to 15 years imprisonment while four other states had laws that specifically prohibited same-sex sodomy. Historically, sodomy has been interpreted as sexual acts that are not intended for reproduction, including anal sex, oral sex, or any non-heterosexual sex act. The very word, sodomy, is laden with historical hatred, stemming from the Biblical town of Sodom that was filled with sinners.

The same end of the world rhetoric, the same prejudice, the same fear mongering, the same hypocrisy is guiding the movement to defeat the proposed, federal Equity Act which would extend civil rights protections to transgendered people. The act was approved by the House of Representatives and is pending before the Senate.

Those opposed to interracial marriage, homosexuality and same sex marriage make the same disingenuous arguments about transgender rights, that it is another disgraceful sign of the culture unraveling and on the road to well, Sodom.

People in love, regardless of their race, ethnicity or gender want only one thing and that is to be happy with the mate they have chosen and from what I see the society has not collapsed since the miscegenation laws were abolished and same sex marriages were permitted. And sexual activities between consenting adults and decisions on gender are the most personal of human acts and the bedroom door should be padlocked from government intervention.

Now, the argument is that laws that protect transgendered people will further infect religious rights and as Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kent., said, that if passed, the Equity Act will lead to genital mutilation, unwanted sex assignment surgery and destruction of the scholastic sports programs. Beware of a flood of thousands upon thousands of Amazonian, six-foot-nine inch men turned women and crowding out all the weaklings from the fields of competition all while children are having their sexual gonads involuntarily mutilated. Talk about a Trojan horse.

This bill prohibits discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity in areas including public accommodations and facilities, education, federal funding, employment, housing, credit, and the jury system. Specifically, the bill defines and includes sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity among the prohibited categories of discrimination or segregation. I don’t see anything about genital mutilation but that didn’t stop Sen. Paul any more than it stopped him from calling for states and not the federal government to decide on same-sex marriage, a devious way to allow the states to bar same gender pairings.

The last I spoke with a friend who is transgender was that she was never happier than the moment when she could be true to her gender and that she really wanted nothing more than to be left alone and had no plans to foment revolution and decay, invade rest rooms or force her way into the weight rooms.

The so-called conservative, self-appointed guardians of cultural purity, use their own twisted, religious interpretations to support their positions. Franklin Graham, the son of the late Rev. Billy Graham, chided the gay Transportation Secretary Peter Buttigieg not to sin and “lie with men.” Last checked the 10 commandments made no reference to homosexuals. Graham, it should be noted, was a strong ally of the former president who was certainly guilty of violating the commandments not to covet, steal or lie. Graham also is vehemently against the Equality Act and called it a “very dangerous piece of legislation.”

In a letter posted on the Billy Graham Evangelical Association’s website recently, Graham wrote, “This legislation would massively change our moral landscape and silence people of faith who do not agree with the secular values of the Left. But more than muzzling us, they want to force us to pivot — to change direction — instead of trusting God and standing on His Word. If we begin compromising on basic Biblical truths, it will lead to the end of Christianity in this country. We cannot surrender on our watch. We must not remain silent.”

Yes, the end is nigh and it is being caused by the evil people who underwent sexual reassignment surgery and continue to live their lives in their private ways.

One of the loudest opponents to the Equality Act is the far right, the same group that is a rock hard supporter of Trump, called the impeachments a “witch hunt,” wants investigations of the deep state and “ObamaGate” and blames “Antifa” and “Black Lives Matter” for pushing the Democratically-controlled cities to bring of destruction. And Grassfire’s founder and president Steve Elliott, who is not quite a scientist, is now explaining to all who would listen “why you should NEVER wear a mask outdoors.”

The right wing Heritage Foundation also unleashed it opposition to the Equality Act, saying it would “normalize the destruction of children’s bodies and fertility for generations to come.”

“It is shocking that any U.S. president or presidential appointee would openly support the genital mutilation of American children under the guise of ‘medicine,’” said a March 24 commentary for the DeVos Center under the Heritage Foundation.

So if you believe that Biden and the rest of the Democrats support “genital mutilation of American children” then you probably also are on board with the conspiracy that sees Democrats molesting and then eating babies.



Phil Garber

Journalist for 40 years and now a creative writer