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Gaslighting On Steroids

Phil Garber


Do We Really Care

It was a peaceful, Ghandi-like, non-violent gathering on Jan. 6, 2020, or as the honorable Republican National Committee, the official organ of the Republican Party put it, in its best Pravda-like, pre-Soviet Union tradition, the events of Jan. 6 were nothing more than “legitimate political discourse.”
In another matter, a yarmulke- and tallit-clad Adolf Hitler was seen davening at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem and David Duke hosted a Kwanzaa celebration complete with Duke’s well-known collard greens, chitlins and hog maws while the multinational oil companies have agreed to forever quit using fossil fuels.
And nestled among the swallowtails and the monarchs at the National Butterfly Center in Mission, Texas, is the latest ground zero for human smuggling, sex trafficking and child exploitation, along the same lines as the Satan-worshiping pedophiles who run the government, closely identified with Comet Ping Pong, the Washington pizzeria that became the center of the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, which claimed that Democrats were running a child sex trafficking ring in the restaurant.
And trump and other national Republican nudnik, schmuck, meshuggeneh, mishegas-making, schmutz-filled, tuches-kissing, drek-filled, kaker-stuffed, fakakte, schlemiels like Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, are complaining that they are the real victims of racism and not African Americans whose shameful history is littered with the sadistic cruelty of slavery ever since the first Africans were captured, chained and brought to America. These right wingers are dead against the House investigation into the Jan. 6 riot because they worry that many people will indeed want to learn the facts about what happened on the day the government was nearly overthrown.
The Republican right wingers want to have fiction taught in the schools, anything that serves their revisionist beliefs. It’s not about the facts and it never was.
And Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis wants to prohibit teachers and students from talking about sexual orientation and gender identity so that they can focus on reading, writing, science, civics and what makes our country unique.” And DeSantis and the rest are battling against the evil vaccinations, leading to untold deaths, while they fight, fight, fight against gun controls, leading to untold deaths and they clamor for greater restrictions on abortions because they lead to untold deaths.
And on Feb. 5, 2020, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, voted to acquit trump in his first impeachment because, “I believe that the president has learned from this case” and “will be much more cautious in the future.” And former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, upon returning to England from a summit with Adolf Hitler on Sept. 28, 1939, told his countrymen that he had achieved “peace with honour” and recommended that the British “go home, and sleep quietly in your beds.”
I could tell you what’s truth and what’s fiction but, genius that I am, and it rally took me a while, but I finally figured out that that is not the point. The Republican trumpettes are not concerned with truth and neither are their followers. Trying to separate the truth from the fibbing is like a dog running after its tail, it never ends and it never results in anything other than a very tired, exasperated dog. Trump, the trumpettes and all their acolytes, lackeys, toadys and henchmen want only to end what they are convinced is this infernal democracy because it has led to the downfall of the white, Christian populace. Ending it is the goal, not facts, not truths, not reality, not gospel, all irrelevant and only leads nowhere. The goal is to crown king trump and he will lead all to the real heaven, not the phony place filled with facts and voters and principled.
Ask the average trumper and most certainly he or she or it will claim the most outrageous lies are truths, show him or her or it, that they are scientifically, provably wrong and they will look the other way, totally disinterested and totally unmoved and totally unconvinced.
For the record, the RNC did call the Jan. 6 riot, “legitimate political discourse.” Hitler was not really at the wailing wall and Duke did not cook soul food. Trump and his followers did, indeed, claim that the white race is the true victim of racism. DeDantis is backing a draconian measure to make sure that teachers don’t teach about gender identity and sexual identification. Collins did say she believed that trump had “learned his lesson” and Chamberlain told the world that they could sleep with the knowledge that Hitler had promised, with all his heart, not to go to war. And yes, there really is a relatively large segment of the paranoid population that believes the National Butterfly Center in Mission, Texas, is rife with sex trafficking and child exploitation.
The question is not whether the Republican right wing will find god and start telling truths to the American people. That will never happen, not as long as people like trump, Cruz and the rest have anything to say. The real question is whether there are enough Americans who will demand truth or if there are enough who really don’t want facts and just want to be led by a strong-armed, dictator and will follow him over the cliff like lemmings. And if the lemmings win, what will we do then and maybe that is the real question and the one that we are not willing to face.



Phil Garber
Phil Garber

Written by Phil Garber

Journalist for 40 years and now a creative writer

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