Oy Vey, Such Dreck
The following combination of lies, exaggerations, innuendo and baseless assumptions regarding COVID -19 is making the rounds on Facebook.
Only Yiddish has the right words to describe how I felt and what I think of the anonymous writer who posted.
To the anonymous poster, I say: “ When I read it, I just said oy vey followed by a quick succession of feh, feh, feh. I quickly realized it was pure dreck written by a mamzer who was obviously meshuga. I’d describe the writer as a supreme putz, nudnik and schlemiel. Also, shmo and schmuck are appropriate.
“I think that all who read it and believe it are getting shtupped. And in the end the reader will surely have a boat load of tsuris. It’s enough to make a sane man plotz. And if I knew the culprit who put down such drivel, I’d kick him right in the tuchus.”
For those not schooled in Yiddish, I’ll offer a brief tutorial at the end of the post.
It is just unbelievable that posts like this are read and accepted as fact by so many people. I’d like to invite them all to a mask-less picnic in a small room. I’m reposting to alert people to the extent and substance of the campaign to discredit the scientists and minimize the seriousness of the pandemic.
Each item could be fact checked to show it is either flat out wrong, unsubstantiated rumor or simply opinion. When I saw it posted and reposted I had to hold my nose. Hold yours and here goes (You can’t make this up):
“Doesn’t matter if you’re Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or vote for unicorns. If you’re not asking these questions you should be. These are the important questions folks need to be asking themselves!
1. Why can you go to Walmart but not Kohl’s?
2. Why the Dollar store and not a mom-and-pop shop?
3. Why can’t you have an elective surgery, but you can have an abortion which is elective and miraculously not be infected?
4. Why should you stay inside but yet heat and sunlight kill the virus?
5. Why can’t kids (who are not at risk) play on an outdoor playground, where sun kills this virus?
6. Why don’t people know that these are “recommendations” not laws because they have not gone through due process?
7. Why is it okay for government officials and the media personalities get a haircut, but not common citizens?
8. Why the fear, when this virus has a less than 1 percent death rate?
9. Why have coroners questioned death certificates listed as CV-19?
10. Why are areas like Chicago and New York gearing up for mass vaccination?
11. What makes one person essential and another not?
12. Georgia opens up and the numbers are still dropping. Anyone know why?
13. Hotels are okay but not ARBNB? 😳
14. Where has the flu gone?
15. Why do the homeless consistently demonstrate the lowest infection rates?
16. Why are they telling us to mask up after two months of lockdown? And there is conflicting information on the masks from experts on all sides!
17. Why is the CDC saying kids need to be masked when they return to school or attend church, when they know cloth masks restrict oxygen?
18. What is this oppression and loss of liberty doing to the mental health of our kids…to us?
19. Why have most other death rates dropped since the virus?
20. Why did world leaders meet in China in October 2019?
21. Why are the common people being controlled by the government and no one is controlling the government?
22. Why are hospitals paid more for Covid 19 deaths?
23. Why are some doctors speaking out and then getting silenced?
24. Why did Obama give the Wuhan lab $3.7 million dollars?
25. What does a computer geek have to do with a pandemic and why does he want 7 billion corona virus vaccines?
26. Why did the CDC have a job posting for pandemic relief workers in November 2019?
27. Why did Dr. Fauci say in 2017 that the Trump administration would be faced with a “ SURPRISE PANDEMIC “ and then runs the pandemic team?
28. Why are they infringing on Christian religious freedoms?
29. Why can people shop at Lowe’s, Walmart or Home Depot, but we are not allowed to go into a church building?
30. Why are people driving with masks on in their cars?
31. How does this virus know the difference between a blue state and red state?
If you don’t agree feel free to scroll on. If you do agree, feel free to copy and paste. I did.”
Here are the appropriate Yiddish words for the posting:
I start with “oy or oy vey,” the quintessential Yiddish for grief, pain or horror. To the writer and his or her misinformation, I say oy vey.
Feh is an expression of disgust or disapproval.To the poster, I say feh, feh, feh.
Dreck is worthless, distasteful or nonsensical. Each line of the post is dreck.
Mamzer is a bastard, again a good description for whoever posted the dreck.
Meshuga means a crazy man or woman. Assuming the writer was one of these sexes, he or she is meshuga.
Putz is the impolite way to refer to the penis or to people who spread lies that can be deadly.
Nudnik is a pest or a pain in the neck or other part of the anatomy. It perfectly describes the writer.
Schlemiel is an inept clumsy person, a bungler or a dolt. It applies to all who re-post, believing the dreck it includes.
Bupkis is the word for “nothing.” As in the post means bupkis. The word may have come from the Slavic word meaning goat droppings.
Schlub is a clumsy, stupid, or unattractive person. The poster is certainly a schlub on the inside.
Schmo is a stupid person, not far from a schlub.
Schmuck is a contemptible person or a jerk. There is no question about how this applies to the poster.
Shtup is slang for sexual intercourse and it describes what the poster is doing to all who read it.
Tuchus is the buttocks or another word for describing the person who wrote the post.
Plotz means to explode in aggravation, as in the posting makes me plotz.
Tsuris is serious troubles, not minor annoyances, as in the Facebook gives me tsuris, big time.
Ganef or Gonif is a thief, scoundrel or rascal. Whoever wrote the original post is a true gonif or ganef.
Narrischkeit is Yiddish for foolishness or nonsense. If the shoe fits.
Nebbish is an insignificant, pitiful person, a non-entity. Anyone who would pass around false information that could lead to more deaths is certainly a nebbish or much worse.
Verklempt means choked with emotion or grieving. It is brought on by the rubbish being posted on Facebook.
Chutzpah is extreme arrogance, something the writer has an oversupply of.
Mentsh is an honorable, decent person, the opposite of the poster.
Mishegas means insanity or craziness. There is no other way to describe the posting.