Rape and Republicans
A Pit That Knows No Bottom
I believe Democrats can be just as unscrupulous as Republicans and that they too can twist, distort or just plain lie to further their goals, I just think Republicans do it a lot more often and much more effectively
That’s why I fact checked a series of quotes I read on the decidedly biased “Dump Trump” Facebook page and collected by the equally, decidedly biased “Occupy Democrats” and posted by someone named Jack Durkin, no doubt a decidedly biased Democrat. These comments would surely bring a large smile to the man with the bad hair and they are evidence, if any was needed, that Gen. Bone Spurs did not start the race to the bottom but merely continued a long and insidious line of bigotry and miscogeny. Biased as they may be, the quotes are real, said by real people, if they can be called people.
The quotes are under the headline “Republicans on Rape” and I repeat them here because of the latest assaults on women as engendered in the new Texas legislation that bans abortion essentially after sex organs touch. I couldn’t believe the legitimacy of the comments but then I can’t believe a lot of what I hear Republicans saying these days so to say I couldn’t believe is a pretty dumb thing to say, I believe. Herewith the direct quotes from this rogues gallery of iron headed nasties who either were elected to office or ran and lost:
* “Rape is kinda like the weather. If it’s inevitable, relax and enjoy it.” — Clayton Williams, a Texas Republican who ran for governor in 1990 and lost, thank goodness.
According to the N.Y. Times, Williams made the remark while preparing for a cattle roundup at his West Texas ranch. “He compared the cold, foggy weather spoiling the event to a rape, telling ranch hands, campaign workers and reporters around a campfire, ‘If it’s inevitable, just relax and enjoy it,’’’ the Times reported.
* “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to shut that thing down.” — Todd Akin, a former Republican congressman from Missouri who lost a bid for U.S. Senate to Claire McCaskill in the 2012 election.
Akin justified his extreme and absurd and baseless opposition to abortion by claiming that victims of “legitimate rape” rarely get pregnant. In an interview with KTVI-TV, GOP Senate nominee was asked if he supported abortion in the case of rape.
“From what I understand from doctors, that’s really rare,” said Akin said of pregnancy caused by rape. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let’s assume maybe that didn’t work or something. I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist,” KTVI-TV reported.
* “Rape victims should make the best of a bad situation” _ Rick Santorum, a former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania who lost a 2012 bid for president.
Huffpost.com reported that Santorum had been “condemned after claiming that rape victims who become pregnant should ‘make the best of a bad situation’.”
The Republican presidential candidate, who was third in the polls at the time, said that “women in such a position should not get an abortion but instead welcome their ‘horrible gift from God’.”
* “Even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that is something that god intended to happen.” — Richard Mourdock, a former Indiana state treasurer and unsuccessful 2012 U.S. Senate candidate.
Mourdock made the nutjob comments during a debate, according to a report from ABC News.
Mourdock, a tea party-backed conservative Republican, unseated longtime Sen. Richard Lugar after a heated primary campaign. He later received Mitt Romney’s official support.
* “In the emergency room they have what’s called rape kits, where a woman can get cleaned out.” — Jodie Laubenberg, a Republican member of the Texas House of Representatives.
“Amid a heated debate over a restrictive anti-abortion bill being pushed by Texas GOP lawmakers, one Republican argued that a proposed exemption for rape victims was unnecessary because assaulted women could simply turn to rape kits for abortions,” reported Huffpost.com. It should be pointed out that rape kits are used to collect evidence of sexual assault and not to use in event of a rape so the woman can “get cleaned out.”
* “If a woman has (the right to an abortion) why shouldn’t a man be free to use his superior strength to force himself on a woman? At least the rapist’s pursuit of sexual freedom doesn’t (in most cases) result in anyone’s death.”- Lawrence Lockman, a former GOP representative in the Maine House of Representatives.
In 1995, Lockman was part of the Pro Life Education Association, and wrote in a letter, “If a woman has [the right to an abortion], why shouldn’t a man be free to use his superior strength to force himself on a woman? At least the rapist’s pursuit of sexual freedom doesn’t [in most cases] result in anyone’s death,” according to the website, Centralmaine.com.
He also solidified his position as Cretan of the lowest form when he said that progressives were exacerbating the AIDS epidemic by telling “the public that the practice of sodomy is a legitimate alternative lifestyle, rather than a perverted and depraved crime against humanity.”
Fact checking is one way to verify a news report. Another sign of exaggerated or made up news comes when only one news outlet reports some sensational bit of conjured up nonsense. If the news is accurate, you can bet your bottom dollar and anything else you’d like to wager that major news organizations would jump on the story and if not, the news story is more than likely poo poo. For instance, from poo poo maker supreme, Fox News:
“State Department obstruction of private rescue flights from Afghanistan revealed in leaked email”
“State Department ‘will not provide an approval’ of charter flights from Afghanistan, leaked email reveals”
Or here’s another that didn’t find its way to any media other than Fox or Fox-related:
“Biden heckled in New Jersey for stranding Americans in Afghanistan: ‘He will leave you behind’”
“Biden was speaking to police in Manville when onlookers erupted”
And finally, to verify veracity consider the source, in this case that temple of perfidy, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.:
“Rand Paul says new Wuhan documents show Fauci lied”
“Fauci has adamantly denied that the NIH funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan”
That’s all folks until tomorrow.