Phil Garber
3 min readMay 13, 2020

Something Fishy Going On

Here’s something very freaky.

I read the Times on-line every day or at least the stories that don’t make me want to jump out my window (that means I read very few stories). There are briefs along the side of the digital front page and you click for the whole story.

So I was scrolling past the latest Armageddon stories and saw a headline that read, something like, “Kushner, despite law, doesn’t discount delaying election.”

It caught my eye but I kept going down the page for a story I really wanted to read. It was about Willie Mays and his new book about how he’s dealing with COVID 19. (By the way, is it COVID-19, COVID 10 or Covid-19 or Covid 19? I can never get it right.)


After enjoying reading about the Say Hey Kid I figured I ought to check out a story quoting the son in law and top advisor to the president of the United States claiming the November presidential election could be delayed.

The problem? I scrolled up the page and the tease about Kushner was gone, nowhere to be found. I know I didn’t imagine the story though I wish I had. Was it simply crowded off the page by a brief about how the NASA space mission may trigger an artificial meteor shower?

Yes, I care about meteor showers but I really care about any hint to delay the election of a president. Especially in these times when the current president (that’s lower case “p”) believes he is ordained and above the law.

Could he really postpone the election, maybe enact martial law, maybe send in the National Guard to take over the lying, treasonous media, except of course, Fox News? No, I thought, the elected officials in Congress would never allow such a blatant power grab.

They didn’t let Trump walk after the sham impeachment trial in the Senate. Oh, wait, yes they did. They didn’t stop him when he took money that was approved by Congress for the nation’s defense and instead switched it to help pay for the wall that Mexico will pay for. Oh, sorry,they did that too.

And the members of the Senate, in particular, of course rose in objection and anger to Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns, like he promised to do after the audit was completed. That was in 2016. Wait, there was no groundswell of righteous indignation from the Senate to Trump and his tax return.

And of course, the Senate, one of three independent branches of government, got very vocal after Trump claimed it might not be a bad idea to ingest Mr. Clean to foil the dreaded COVID-19 OR COVID-19, COVID 10 or Covid-19 or Covid 19. Oh, oh, my bad. There were precious few comments from members of the Senate, one of three independent branches of the government.

So would they raise their voices and scream NO to any attempt by Trump to delay the election in the name of civil order? Of course, they would. Of course.

But getting back to the Times. What happened to that story? If I was a conspiracist I’d say that someone decided it didn’t merit a story in the Times because nobody would believe that the president of the United States would try to delay the election. No, that couldn’t happen.

I’m getting very nervous. Things like this make me very, very nervous because they are so believable and there are no voices in the Senate to stop the made king from doing whatever is necessary to stay in power.

Call me a conspiracist or call me a realist. I don’t care. Just stop this madness.

And it reminded me of how I would deal with absurdities as a kid. I’d retort with “that was as funny as a crutch” or “take along walk off a short pier” or maybe “your mother wears combat foods” or even “You’re as funny as a lead balloon.”

Somehow I don’t feel like laughing.

Phil Garber
Phil Garber

Written by Phil Garber

Journalist for 40 years and now a creative writer

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