When All Else Fails
Try a Spell
Trump clearly egged on the zealot Republicans to storm the Capitol, leading the nation to the brink of a coup and dictatorship; trump clearly lied about the millions of fake votes that in his warped brain, stole the election from him; trump clearly abused his powers by extending Secret Service protection after the 2020 election to his friends at a cost of millions; trump’s failure to act to stop COVID-19 clearly cost hundreds of thousands of lives; trump clearly agreed to release thousands of Taliban prisoners setting the way for the Taliban overthrow of the Afghan government; trump clearly did not visit ground zero to pay his respects to the Sept. 11 terror victims and sorry if I left out other of trump’s certain legal, ethical and moral violations and the only conclusion I can draw is that he will never lose his iron grip on the millions of American flag waving fools who wouldn’t know the difference between socialism and Pan-Slavism, a political ideology which crystallized in the mid-19th century to advance the integrity and unity for the Slavic peoples.
Serious, egregious moments require equally weighty solutions and short of a government ordered mass lobotomy campaign, which would probably not win approval in Congress, I suggest these sure fire recipes to end the suffering. I do not advocate, support nor lobby for any of the following and I just put them out there for you to consider.
* You could pour cold water on trump to make him melt.
* You could gather the townsfolk, march on the Mar-a-Lago castle and set it ablaze, although chances are the monster would fall through the floor into the underground river and live to run for office another day.
* You could place a stake in his heart but it won’t work unless it’s done in the night time while the vampire is resting comfortably in his own, customized coffin brought here from Transylvania or similarly shoot him with a silver bullet, when the moon is full, two solutions that have worked wonders to eliminate past monsters.
* The old reliable voodoo doll. Purchase one or make one and write this statement on paper, “I am here to banish negative influences from my life. Right now, (trump) is exerting an extremely negative force upon me. I ask for the ancestral spirits to assist me in banishing these forces and eliminating his/her destructiveness”.
Put the statement inside the doll then put it in a hole far from home, burn it and bury it as you proclaim “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, Enemy be gone, far away you must!” Now cover the remains of the doll with dirt and thank the ancestral spirits by leaving black coffee on the spot where the doll is buried. Leave the place without looking back and do not ever return to that spot.
* Here’s one that is effective three out of five times, according to https://magickalspot.com/ and you need just two ingredients although it is considered an advanced method. All you need is a black candle and a knife or other device to engrave the candle. Carve the name of the target on the candle and make sure you carve from top to bottom because any other direction will not work and instead may cause dire results for you. Light the candle and recite this incantation:
“For the evil you have caused me, trump, I appeal to the spirits of time. You who guard the fortunes and misfortunes of human action. Guardians of the indissoluble law. Ministers of fate and lords of becoming. For the evil you have caused me, trump, I appeal to the spirits of justice. An instrument of power only in the hands of those who have known the future. The indestructible meter of those who for the good of others have never kept silent. I invoke you spirits of time and justice, I invoke you out loud. May your divine soldiers now break the lines and cover trump with countless bad luck.” Let the black candle burn out and bury it near Mar-a-Lago or near a cemetery.
- The Witch Bottle is an ancient antidote to keeping negative people and spirits away. You cut a small piece of paper and write the full name of the person you want to get rid of. Fold the paper twice while visualizing the person going away forever. Put the paper inside a jar and add enough salt to cover the paper. A few tablespoons should be enough. Add nine drops of vinegar and keep visualizing how the person is to be removed from your life. Before closing the jar you can say a spell and then seal the jar tightly and take it to a place far away from your home. You can bury it or simply throw it in a trash container, either is appropriate.
- Wiccan spells can get rid of someone by sending them away and without causing harm. The intention is to make them disappear, not to hurt them. JustWicca.com has the answer to rid our lives of people who annoy us and make our lives miserable, the definition to a T of trump. You will need a black candle, salt, a picture of the person or the persons name on a piece paper, Four Thieves vinegar and a river. Light the black candle and say: “Leave me, leave me this day, your evil is no longer welcome you may not stay, this I do with no hate in my heart, no harm to you as you depart.” Then soak the person’s picture in the vinegar, throw a pinch of salt on the picture and let it sit in the sun for three days then take it to a river or moving source of water. When you are at the river pour the Four Thieves vinegar into the rive while saying: “Now it is time for your to depart, on you way, your leaving is key, Harm to none, as I will it so mote it be.” Four thieves from the middle ages concocted a potion which helped people survive the Black Death and could be similarly used to prevent trumpian assaults. Several potions include one with white wine vinegar, a handful of wormwood, a handful of meadowsweet, a handful of juniper berries, a handful of wild marjoram, a handful of sage, 50 cloves, two ounces of elecampane root, two ounces of angelica, two ounces of rosemary, two ounces of horehound and three grams of camphor. Hey, it’s worth a try but just remember this is all in fun, ha ha ha.